The OneSwitch Library hosts a range of free downloads, articles and instructions. You will find over one hundred one switch games, William Pilgrim's 4Noah Laboratory, articles on using switches and more. Please feel free to browse at your leisure.
For people wishing to borrow switch accessible leisure and gaming equipment in the UK, I highly recommend contacting the charity SpecialEffect.
Free to use Game Accessibility Information symbol. Use to bring attention to access features in any game product.
Help and downloads supporting this powerful Playstation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One adapter.
See also the newer Titan One device.
Practice one-switch scanning and selecting with this free PC or Mac utility. Requires Flash.
By Gary Derwent.
Top image of Christopher Myers playing a Shenmue mini-game of Darts on the Sega Dreamcast, using two head switches.