Some past items adapted for switch access since 2003 at OneSwitch. These items are no longer available.
If you find a working example of anything below, or at the One Switch Blog, I would be happy to consider adapting it for you. See the Adaptation Service page for more examples and information.
A simple recording and playing device that can be supplied adapted for plug-in switch use, or unadapted for standard use.
A BBC Micro computer, switch interface and suit of switch accessible software stored on ROM.
"Namco 5 in 1" TV game adapted for switches. Sockets for UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and FIRE (March 2005).
"Blo-Bot" radio control toy adapted for plug in switch use. One switch for SPIN, a Second switch for FORWARD (January 2005).
A great halloween toy or perhaps horror film prop. A switch adapted radio controlled crawling hand (Jan 2005).
"Racing Motorbike" radio control toy by PMS adapted for plug in switch use. Four sockets for FORWARD, BACK, LEFT TURN, RIGHT TURN (Jan 2005
Nikko "Ford F350" radio control 4x4 truck partially adapted for plug in switch use. Forward and Back (couldn't interface to left and right) (January 2005).
"Air Surfer" Radio controlled Plane, adapted for use with two switches. One switch to steer LEFT, with the other switch to steer RIGHT. (December 2004).
Joke Radio Controlled Spider, adapted for use with two switches. One switch to SPIN and one switch for FORWARD. (December 2004).
"Ocean Explorer" radio controlled yellow submarine, adapted for use with two switches. (August 2004).
"Full function" radio control car adapted for two switches. One switch to SPIN, the second for FORWARD (June 2004).
Chaserz 'Scalectrix' type magnetic racing game. Both hand sets were adapted for plug in switch use (May 2004).
Chicken Tickle OOglie adapted for plug in switch use. Up to three switches used for different wacky effects (April 2004).