This section is a one-switch accessible home for the likes of Whack-a-mole, Toy Grabbers, Fortune Telling machines, penny pusher games, novelty shooting ranges and more. In essence, anything that you might find in an amusement arcade past or present that is not a video game, nor a pinball machine, nor a fruit machine.
If you are a games programmer and like the idea of bringing a fully accessible arcade to all, and perhaps developing something for this EM and Redemption area, please get in touch. Decent accessible games will be submitted automatically to the Game for Helen project.
Superb on-line version of the LAI Games prize machine Stacker. Requires timing skills. Can be slowed down using CPU Killer, and magnified using Windows 7's excellent screen magnifier.
Please get in touch if you'd like to host this game or play off-line.
2010 William Pilgrim
One switch version of LAI Games prize machine Stacker. Requires timing skills. Use F1 to cheat.
Special Effect review for Slacker.
(C) 2007 Clint Herron
Grab-a-toy crane type game. Requires fairly quick reactions.
(C) 2005 FlyingmonkeyC Entertainment written by Carlos Ramos.
Highly accessible Whack-a-Mole game. Play with one-switch using the SPACE BAR, two switches using SPACE and TAB or with a MOUSE compatible controller. Accessible to almost all.
2008 Ovine By Design
One switch version of the home and ICE manufactured arcade game Hungry Hungry Hippos for one to four players. XP only.
2006 Tymar Games
LEGAL NOTICE: Many game ROMs remain the copyright of the original owners who may or may not be happy for them to be played under emulation. Put in the context of these games impossible to play in their original format for some disabled gamers and I would hope that attitudes would be more relaxed. Support developers by letting them know why you can't play their games and offer some solutions.