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Room 6

El Toro main picture.  A black and white photograph of a seated man, using a sip-puff tube mounted into a metal goose neck fitted to a 1972 El Toro pinball machine.  The man's eyes have been blocked out for anonymity.

El Toro (and Magnavox Odyssey)

"Games for the Severely Disabled”. A project documented by Saleem J. Sheredos, at the Veterans Administration Prosthetics Center, Bioengineering Research Centre, New York (Spring 1973)

Sip-Puff first seen with the POSM makes a game of Pinball possible to play with a puff of air. This was used alongside a Magnavox Odyssey adapted in 1972.

As a side note, many young children and novice pinball players use both flipper buttons at exactly the same time, making the game one-button in effect.