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The 10th International Conference on Disability,
Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies

2014 Conference Sessions & Links to Full Papers



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Conference Book of Abstracts (Download PDF)

Browse Full Paper Abstracts - alphabetical by first author

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Author index (Download PDF)

Keynote I

Martin Rydmark on Neurological Care and Rehabilitation

Session Chair: Jurgen Broeren


[Abstract only] Remote communication, examination and training in neurological care and rehabilitation, M Rydmark, Göteborg University, SWEDEN

Keynote II

Nils-Krister Persson on Smart Textiles

Session Chair: Lena Pareto


[Abstract only] Smart textiles – a future technology for the fields of disability and rehabilitation?, N-K Persson, Smart Textiles Technology Lab, Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borĺs, SWEDEN

Session I

Elderly Studies/Dementia

Session Chair: Sue Cobb


Development of a real world simulation to study cognitive, locomotor and metabolic processes in older adults, R Kizony, G Zeilig, PL Weiss, I Baum-Cohen, Y Bahat, E Kodesh, M Bondi, I Mintz, M Kafri, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer/University of Haifa/Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL


Computerised help information and interaction project for people with memory loss and mild dementia, S Jawaid, R J McCrindle, University of Reading, UK


Usability assessment of natural user interfaces during serious games: adjustments for dementia intervention, V Vallejo, I Tarnanas, T Yamaguchi, T Tsukagoshi, R Yasuda, R Müri, U P Mosimann, T Nef, University of Bern/University Hospital, Bern/ University Hospital of Psychiatry, Bern, SWITZERLAND/Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN

Session II

Stroke Rehabilitation

Session Chair: Suzanne McDonough


An integrative virtual reality cognitive-motor intervention approach in stroke rehabilitation: a pilot study, A L Faria, A Vourvopoulos, M S Cameirăo, J C Fernandes, S Bermúdez i Badia, Universidade da Madeira/ Universidade de Coimbra/Hospital Nélio Mendonça, Funchal, PORTUGAL


Virtual reality-augmented rehabilitation for patients in sub-acute phase post stroke: a feasibility study, G G Fluet, A Merians, J Patel, A Van Wingerden, Q Qiu, M Yarossi, E Tunik, S Adamovich, S Massood, Rutgers University/New Jersey Institute of Technology/Saint Joseph’s Wayne Hospital, Wayne, NJ, USA


Quantifying cognitive-motor interference in virtual reality training after stroke: the role of interfaces, A Vourvopoulos, A L Faria, M S Cameirăo, S Bermúdez i Badia, Universidade da Madeira/Universidade de Coimbra, PORTUGAL

Session III

Behavioural and Psychological Disorders

Session Chair: Sebastian König


Cognitive stimulation through mHealth-based program for patients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome – a randomized controlled study, P Gamito, J Oliveira, P Lopes, R Brito, D Morais, S Rebelo, D Silva, C Caçôete, A Deus, Lusophone University/Săo Joăo de Deus Institute, Sintra, PORTUGAL


Virtual reality exposure for trauma and stress-related disorders for city violence crime victims, G Cárdenas-López, A de la Rosa, R Durón, X Durán, National Autonomous University of Mexico, MEXICO


Detection and computational analysis of psychological signals using a virtual human interviewing agent, A A Rizzo, S Scherer, D Devault, J Gratch, R Artstein, A Hartholt, G Lucas, S Marsella, F Morbini, A Nazarian, G Stratou, D Traum, R Wood, J Boberg, L-P Morency, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, USA


Cravings in a virtual reality room paired with chocolate predict eating disorder risk, R S Astur, A W Carew, A Palmisano, B E Deaton, F Kuhney, R Niezrecki, M Santos, University of Connecticut/Connecticut Childrens Medical Center, Hartford, USA

Session IV

Upper Limb Rehabilitation I

Session Chair: Gerard Fluet


Analysis of arm movement strategy in virtual catching task, T Yamaguchi, N Ishiura, P Richard, D A Foloppe, F Veaux, M Dinomais, S Nguyen, Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN/Université d’Angers, FRANCE


Functional improvement of hemiparetic upper limb after a virtual reality-based intervention with a tabletop system and tangible objects, R Lloréns, C Colomer, E Noé, M Ortega, M Alcańiz, Universitat Politčcnica de Valčncia/Fundación Hospitales NISA/Univesity of Jaume I, SPAIN


Arm prosthesis simulation on a virtual reality L-shaped workbench display system using a brain computer interface, G Heisenberg, Y A Rezaei, T Rothdeutsch, W Heiden, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences/RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, GERMANY

Session V

Body Movement Training

Session Chair: David Stirling


Effect of the Oculus Rift head mounted display on postural stability, P Epure, C Gheorghe, T Nissen, L O Toader, A N Macovei, S S M Nielsen, D J Rosengren Christensen, A L Brooks, E Petersson Brooks, Aalborg University, Esbjerg, DENMARK


Virtual reality system for the enhancement of mobility in patients with chronic back pain, B Bolte, M de Lussanet, M Lappe, University of Münster, GERMANY


The application of enhanced virtual environments for co-located childhood movement disorder rehabilitation, N H Mumford, J Duckworth, P H Wilson, Australian Catholic University/RMIT University, AUSTRALIA


Towards a mobile exercise application to prevent falls: a participatory design process, M Sandlund, H Lindgren, P Pohl, A Melander-Wikman, B Bergvall-Kĺreborn, L Lundin-Olsson, Umeĺ University/Luleĺ University of Technology, SWEDEN

Session VI

Evaluating Technologies

Session Chair: Evelyne Klinger


User evaluation of a virtual rehabilitation system during reaching exercises: a pilot study, M Al-Amri, D Abásolo, S Ghoussayni, D Ewins, Cardiff University/ University of Surrey/Queen’s Mary Hospital, Roehampton, UK


Locating objects in virtual reality - the effect of visual properties on target acquisition in unrestrained reaching, V Powell, W A Powell, University of Portsmouth, UK


Subjective perceptions when using motion tracking systems – a comparison among healthy subjects, individuals post-stroke, and therapists, R Lloréns, A Borrego, E Parra, V Naranjo, E Noé, M Alcańiz, Universitat Politčcnica de Valčncia/Fundación Hospitales NISA, Valencia/Univesity of Jaume I, SPAIN

Session VII

Upper Limb Rehabilitation II

Session Chair: Rachel McCrindle


Virtualising the nine hole peg test of finger dexterity, J Collins, S Hoermann, H Regenbrecht, University of Otago, NEW ZEALAND


Development of a new scoring system for bilateral upper limb function and performance in children with cerebral palsy using the MIRA interactive video games and the Kinect sensor, I M Moldovan, A D Călin, A C Cantea, L A Dascălu, C A Mihaiu, O Ghircău, S Onac, O Rîză, R A Moldovan, L V Pop, Socio-medical services complex “Maria Beatrice”/ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca/Alba-Iulia Emergency County Hospital, ROMANIA/MIRA REHAB LIMITED, London, UK


Evaluating the Microsoft Kinect for use in upper extremity rehabilitation following stroke as a commercial off the shelf gaming system, L Shires, D J Brown, N Sherkat, J Lewis, P J Standen, Nottingham Trent University/University of Nottingham, UK

Session VIII

Cognitive Training

Session Chair: Bruno Herbelin


Adapting a humanoid robot for use with children with profound and multiple disabilities, P J Standen, D J Brown, J Hedgecock, J Roscoe, M J Galvez Trigo, E Elgajiji, University of Nottingham/Nottingham Trent University, UK


Assessment of convalescent brain-damaged patients using a virtual shopping test with different task difficulties, S Okahashi, H Mizumoto, A Komae, K Ueno, M Yokoyama, A Nagano, K Seki, T Futaki, Z W Luo, Kyoto University/Nishi Memorial Port Island Rehabilitation Hospital, Kobe/ Ritsumeikan University, JAPAN


Case study series using brain-training games to treat attention and memory following brain injury, B B Connor, C Shaw, Independent Practice in Neuropsychology, Nevada City/Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital, Grass Valley, CA, USA

Session IX

Real/Virtual Comparative Studies

Session Chair: Simon Hoermann


A serious-gaming alternative to pen-and-paper cognitive scoring – a pilot study, G House, G Burdea, K Polistico, J Ross, M Leibick, Bright Cloud International Corp, Highland Park/Memory Enhancement Center of America, Inc., Eatontown, NJ, USA


Differences in effects when using virtual reality balance trainer or wobble board in terms of postural responses, I Cikajlo, S Bajuk, University Rehabilitation Institute, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA


Spatial working memory performance in real museum environment vs. computer simulation: a comparison between healthy elderly and young adults, M Korman, R Kizony, M Hochhauser, T Kuflik, AJ Wecker, PL Weiss, University of Haifa/Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, ISRAEL

Session X

Haptics & Speech Training

Session Chair: Tamar Weiss


Web accessibility by Morse Code modulated haptics for deaf-blind, L Norberg, T Westin, P Mozelius, M Wiklund, Stockholm University, SWEDEN


Intensive language-action therapy in virtual reality for a rehabilitation gaming system, K Grechuta, B Rubio, A Duff, E Duarte Oller, P Verschure, Pompeu Fabra University/Hospital del Mar i l’Esperanza, Barcelona/CREA – Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, SPAIN


Speech development and therapy using the Kinect, S Frost, R J McCrindle, University of Reading, UK


Design and usability evaluation of an audio-based college entrance exam for students with visual disabilities, J Sánchez, M Espinoza, M de Borba Campos, University of Chile, Santiago, CHILE/Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS, BRAZIL


Short Papers

Session Co-chairs: Paul Sharkey & Roberto Lloréns


A participatory design framework for the gamification of rehabilitation systems, D Charles, S McDonough, University of Ulster, NORTHERN IRELAND


Smart cane outdoor navigation system for visually impaired and blind persons, B Chaudary, P Pulli, University of Oulu, FINLAND


Video-based quantification of patient’s compliance, during post-stroke virtual reality rehabilitation, M Divjak, S Zelič, A Holobar, University of Maribor, SLOVENIA


Virtual spatial navigation tests based on animal research – spatial cognition deficit in first episodes of schizophrenia, I Fajnerová, K Vlček, C Brom, K Dvorská , D Levčík, L Konrádová, P Mikoláš, M Ungrmanová, M Bída, K Blahna, F Španiel, A Stuchlík, J Horáček, M Rodriguez, Prague Psychiatric Center/Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic/Charles University, CZECH REPUBLIC


Exploring haptic feedback for robot to human communication, A Ghosh, J Penders, P Jones, H Reed, A Sorranzo, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM


Kinecting the moves: the kinematic potential of rehabilitation-specific gaming to inform treatment for hemiplegia, S M N Glegg, C T Hung, B A Valdés, B D G Kim, H F M Van der Loos, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Vancouver/University of British Columbia, CANADA


Integrating motor learning and virtual reality into practice: a knowledge translation challenge, S M N Glegg, D E Levac, H Sveistrup, H Colquhoun, H Finestone, V DePaul, P Miller, L Wishart, J Harris, M Brien, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Vancouver/University of Ottawa/ Ottawa Hospital Research Institute/Bruyere Continuing Care, Ottawa/ McMaster University/Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre, CANADA


Assessment of motor function in hemiplegic patients using virtual cycling wheelchair, R Ishikawa, N Sugita, M Abe, M Yoshizawa, K Seki, Y Handa, Tohoku University/Sendai School of Health and Welfare, JAPAN


A comparison of upper limb movement profiles when reaching to virtual and real targets using the Oculus Rift: implications for virtual-reality enhanced stroke rehabilitation, M A Just, P J Stapley, M Ros, F Naghdy, D Stirling, University of Wollongong, AUSTRALIA


Conducting focus groups in Second Life® on health-related topics, A Krueger, P Colletti, H Bogner, F Barg, M Stineman, Virtual Ability®, Inc., Aurora, CO/University of Pennsylvania, USA


Physically accurate velocity distribution profiles for use in virtual reality training for prosthetic limbs, P Kyberd, R Bongers, S Hamza, University of New Brunswick, CANADA/University of Groningen, THE NETHERLANDS


Perception of multi-varied sound patterns of sonified representations of complex systems by people who are blind, O Lahav, J Kittany, S T Levy, M Furst, Tel Aviv University/University of Haifa, ISRAEL


Adaptation of postural symmetry to an altered visual representation of body position, M Lemay, L-N Veilleux, M Marois, L Ballaz, D M Shiller, Université du Québec ŕ Montréal/Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant (CHU Sainte-Justine), Montréal/Université de Montréal, CANADA


Virtual anatomical interactivity: developing a future rehabilitation aid for survivors of Acquired Brain Injury, V Macri, P Zilber, V J Macri, 3D PreMotorSkills Technology, Durham, New Hampshire, USA


Enhancing brain activity by controlling virtual objects with the eye, C Modrońo, J Plata, E Hernández, I Galván, S García, F Zelaya, F Marcano, O Casanova, G Navarrete, M Mas, J L González-Mora, University of La Laguna/Hospital Universitario de Canarias, Tenerife, SPAIN/King’s College London, UK/Diego Portales University, CHILE


Minimally invasive, maximally effective: multisensory meditation environments promote wellbeing, H J Moller, L Saynor, H Bal, K Sudan, University of Toronto/University of Waterloo/OCAD University/Praxis Holistic Health, Toronto, CANADA


Raised-dot slippage perception on fingerpad using active wheel device, Y Nomura, H Kato, Mie University, JAPAN


Low-cost active video game console development for dynamic postural control training, A Pouliot-Laforte, E Auvinet, M Lemay, L Ballaz, Université du Québec ŕ Montréal/UHC Sainte-Justine Research Center, Montreal/École Polytechnique de Montréal/Quebec Rehabilitation Research Network, Montreal, CANADA


Evidence-based facial design of an interactive virtual advocate, W A Powell, T A Garner, D Tonks, T Lee, University of Portsmouth/University of Kent, UK


Study of geometric dispatching of four-kinect tracking module inside a Cave, S Salous, T Ridene, J Newton, S Chendeb, Paris 8 University, FRANCE


Harnessing the experience of presence for virtual motor rehabilitation: towards a guideline for the development of virtual reality environments, T Schüler, L Ferreira dos Santos, S Hoermann, University of Osnabrück/Technische Universität Berlin, GERMANY/University of Otago, NEW ZEALAND


The potentiality of virtual reality for the evaluation of spatial abilities: the mental spatial reference frame test, S Serino, F Morganti, P Cipresso, E E R Magni, G Riva, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan/University of Bergamo/Universitŕ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, ITALY


Improved mobility and reduced fall risk in older adults after five weeks of virtual reality training, S R Shema, P Bezalel, Z Sberlo, O Wachsler Yannai, N Giladi, J M Hausdorff, A Mirelman, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center/Tel-Aviv University, ISRAEL/Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA


Realistic and adaptive cognitive training using virtual characters, D Sjölie, University of Gothenburg, SWEDEN


Performance analysis of adults with Acquired Brain Injury making errands in a virtual supermarket, E Sorita, P A Joseph, B N’Kaoua, J Ruiz, A Simion, J M Mazaux, E Klinger, Université de Bordeaux/CHU Bordeaux/ESIEA, Laval, FRANCE


Color-check in stroke rehabilitation games, V Szücs, C Sik Lanyi, F Szabo, P Csuti, University of Pannonia, HUNGARY


Challenges in developing new technologies for special needs education: a force-field analysis, P L Weiss, S V G Cobb, M Zancanaro, University of Haifa, ISRAEL/ University of Nottingham, UK/3FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY


Self-management intervention for amputees in a virtual world environment, S L Winkler, R Cooper, K Kraiger, A Ludwig, A Krueger, I Gaunaurd, A Fisher, J Kairalla, S Elliott, S Wilson, A Esquenazi, Nova Southeastern University/Miami Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center/Nova Southeastern University/Colorado State University/Virtual Ability, Inc. Aurora, CO/US Army Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC), Fort Detrick, MD/University of Florida/Elliott e-learning Solutions, Chicago/MossRehab Einstein Healthcare Network, Philadelphia, USA


Grid-pattern indicating interface for ambient assisted living, G Yamamoto, Z Asghar, Y Uranishi, T Taketomi, C Sandor, T Kuroda, P Pulli, H Kato, Nara Institute of Science Technology/University Hospital, Kyoto University, JAPAN/University of Oulu, FINLAND



Internet address references within the papers presented in this volume were accessed and checked to be valid during the week 8–15 July 2014.

Conference Organisation

Conference General Co-Chairs


Jurgen Broeren, Göteborg University, Sweden

Lena Pareto, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden

Martin Rydmark, Göteborg University, Sweden

ICDVRAT Programme Chair


Paul Sharkey, University of Reading, UK

International Programme Committee


Robert Astur, University of Connecticut, USA

Sergi Bermúdez i Badia, Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Christos Bouras, University of Patras, Greece

Jurgen Broeren, Göteborg University, Sweden

Jane Broida, Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA

Tony Brooks, Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg, Denmark

David Brown, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Susan Brown, University of Michigan, USA

Mónica Cameirăo, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal

Georgina Cárdenas-López, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México

Imre Cikajlo, Univerzitetni Rehabilitacijski Inštitut, Slovenia

Sue Cobb, University of Nottingham, UK

Rosa Maria E. Moreira da Costa, Universidade o Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, Brazil

Jean Detheux, Artist, Montréal, Canada

Judith Deutsch, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

Andreas Duenser, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

Sheryl Flynn, Blue Marble Game Co., USA

Joyce Fung, McGill University, Canada

Pedro Gamito, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal

Rolf Gehlhaar, University of Coventry, UK

Jose-Antonio Gil-Gomez, Universitat Politčcnica de Valčncia, Spain

Luis Girao, University of Coventry, UK

Dido Green, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Walter Greenleaf, Stanford University, USA

William Harwin, University of Reading, UK

Bruno Herbelin, L'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Edith Hererra, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Maureen Holden, Northeastern University, Boston, USA

Faustina Hwang, University of Reading, UK

Naomi Josman, University of Haifa, Israel

Hannes Kaufmann, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Emily Keshner, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

Claudio Kirner, Universidade Federal de Itajubá - UNIFEI, Brazil

Rachel Kizony, University of Haifa, Israel

Evelyne Klinger, ESIEA, Laval, France

Sebastian Koenig, Katana Simulations UG, Regensburg, Germany

Mel Krokos, University of Portsmouth, UK

Sarah Kruger, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, USA

Tomohiro Kuroda, Kyoto University Hospital, Japan

Peter Kyberd, University of New Brunswick, Canada

Orly Lahav, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Anouk Lamontagne, McGill University, Canada

Belinda Lange, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

Yochyved Laufer, University of Haifa, Israel

Mindy Levin, McGill University, Canada

Craig Lindley, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

Roberto Lloréns, Labhuman-Universitat Politčcnica de Valčncia, Spain

Liliane S. Machado, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil

Rachel McCrindle, University of Reading, UK

Suzanne McDonough, University of Ulster, UK

Alma Merians, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

Daniel Mestre, Aix-Marseille University, France

Anat Mirelman, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel

Francesca Morganti, University of Bergamo, Italy

Jacki Morie, All These Worlds, LLC, California, USA

Alessio Murgia, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands

Luciana Nedel, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Bent Nielson, University Colleage Lillebaelt, Denmark

Alice O’Grady, University of Leeds, UK

Mark Palmer, University of the West of England, UK

Lena Pareto, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden

Eva Petersson B|rooks, Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg, Denmark

Alain Pruski, University of Metz, France

John Rae, Roehampton University, UK

Paul Richard, Université Angers, France

Albert (Skip) Rizzo, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

David Roberts, University of Salford, UK

Agnčs Roby-Brami, Université Paris Descartes, France

Martin Rydmark, Göteborg University, Sweden

Jaime Sánchez, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Cecília Sik Lányi, University of Pannonia, Hungary

Paul Sharkey, University of Reading, UK

P J Standen, University of Nottingham, UK

Sandeep Subramanian, McGill University, Canada

Heidi Sveistrup, University of Ottawa, Canada

Daniel Thalmann, L'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Jean-Louis Vercher, CNRS & Aix Marseille University, France

Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, CNRS, Paris

Patrice L (Tamar) Weiss, University of Haifa, Israel

Paul Wilson, University of Hull, UK

Peter Wilson, Australian Catholic University, Australia

Conference Organising Committee


Martin Rydmark, Göteborg University, Sweden (Chair)

Jurgen Broeren, Göteborg University, Sweden

Lena Pareto, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden

Paul Sharkey, University of Reading, UK

ICDVRAT Conference Steering Committee


Paul Sharkey, University of Reading, UK (Chair)

Jurgen Broeren, Göteborg University, Sweden

Tony Brooks, Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg, Denmark

David Brown, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Sue Cobb, University of Nottingham, UK

Evelyne Klinger, ESIEA, France

Rachel McCrindle, University of Reading, UK

Lena Pareto, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden

Albert (Skip) Rizzo, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

Martin Rydmark, Göteborg University, Sweden

Jaime Sánchez, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Cecília Sik Lányi, University of Veszprém, Hungary

P J Standen, University of Nottingham, UK

Patrice L (Tamar) Weiss, University of Haifa, Israel

Conference Series Archive


Paul Sharkey, University of Reading, UK


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