Citation of published papers -
For your reference: ArtAbilitation proceedings ISBN # 87-7606-015-2
Preferred citation/reference: Author surname, first name initial (2006) Paper
title. In Brooks, A.L. (ed.) Proceedings ArtAbilitation 2006 , Esbjerg, Denmark,
19-20 September, 2006, pp. XX-XX.

ArtAbilitation 2006 proceedings - all papers

Below are links to each individual paper as presented in the sessions

Interactive flashlights in special needs education


Tink Tank –An interactive space to make exercise fun for children with
various abilities


Explorascope: an interactive, adaptive educational toy to stimulate the
language and communicative skills of multiple-handicapped children


Interactivity in work with disabled


e-Skin: Research into wearable interfaces, cross-modal perception and
communication for the visually impaired on the mediated stage


Use of “Phantom” as a basis for a new form of art therapy in schizophrenia

Innovative Implementation in Socket Design: Digital Models to Customize the


Facilitating the experience of agency through an intersensory interactive


Picturing Sound – An overview of its efficacy


Real-time composition of image and sound in the
(re)habilitation of children with special needs: a case study of a child
with cerebral palsy


MusiCam – an Instrument to Demonstrate Chromaphonic Synesthesia


Unintentional Therapy, Unexpected Results: My artistic life to this point
