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Library: Instructions

Library Instructions. Book with instructions on the front and a pixelated eye.

Library Instructions

Some of the instructions for OneSwitch shop items from past and present.

GCM100 Playstation - Xbox - Nintendo

GCM XAC Playstation - Xbox - Nintendo

1D Pong

Gakken World Eye

Latest Shop blog posts

NERF Thunderstorm

NERF Thunderstorm water-pistol

Instructions for NERF Thunderstorm.


Blo-Bot inflatable robot.

Instructions for Blo-Bot and Robot Butler.

R2-D2 Robot

R2-D2 switch adapted inflatable robot.

Instructions for the R2-D2 robot.


Hitari Tumbler - adapted for 2 switch use.

Instructions for Hitari Tumbler radio controlled car, adapted for switch use.

Playstation PC interface

Playstation, CD, DVD Switch Interface.

Instructions and ideas for the 2001 adapted Namco Arcade Stick Playstation/PC switch interface.

Number Generator

BBC Micro Switch Programmes.

Instructions for the BBC Micro "Thurrock Care Switch Programmes" set-up.

Virtual Betting System

Virtual Betting System.

Use with on-line virtual Greyhound Racing, or adapt your own for other fun bets such as Virtual Duck Races!

More instructions pending.