4Noah accessible gaming utilities are aimed at reducing the number of controls needed to play PC games.
Download: 4Noah VCS
The 4Noah VCS utility by William Pilgrim is designed to make a range of emulated Atari VCS console games playable using the SPACE BAR alone. These games were never designed to be played in this way so you will need a little patience whilst initially getting set up. You can find an excellent Atari emulator for PCs over at the the ATE Arcade alongside a list of good games and where to find them. This utility can also be used with any PC game that has keyboard controls that can be reconfigured and that can be played in windowed mode.
By setting a single accessibility switch to act as the SPACE BAR previously inaccessible games can be made accessible to some disabled gamers. The video clip below shows clearly how the 4Noah VCS utility works in practice.
The video clip above demonstrates Space Invaders being used with 4Noah VCS. Tapping the SPACE BAR toggles between LEFT, STOP, RIGHT, STOP. Holding the button fires. Atari Bowling works in a similar way but toggles between UP and DOWN.
Using 4Noah VCS LEFT and RIGHT mode the following games work well using the SPACE BAR alone:
Air-Sea Battle (try game 7); Asteroids; Combat (try Jet games 21 to 27); Galaxian; Phoenix (use auto-fire); Space Invaders (use auto-fire); Robot Tank (very hard).
Using 4Noah VCS UP and DOWN mode the following games work well using the SPACE BAR alone:
Air-Sea Battle (try game 14); Bowling; Combat (try Bi-play games 15 to 20); Outlaw.
N.B.You should play games in windowed mode as the 4Noah VCS utility can not presently be minimised. If you do not you may get a nasty on-screen flicker.
Game too fast? You may find it very useful to be able to slow your game down. Using an extra utility such as CPUKiller may help you here. MAME itself has a facility to slow some games down further without affecting the performance of your PC.
4Noah is the creation of William Pilgrim from 2007 to date assisted and hosted by OneSwitch.org.uk.