£25 (plus postage)
Converts 3.5mm plug analogue joysticks to USB joysticks (or even a 4-button joystick upon request).
Please feel free to e-mail for further information and for ordering details.
Convert Sony Access Controller and XAC 3.5mm plug joysticks, such as the OneSwitch CMOS range, to work on the HORI Flex etc.
Comes supplied with automatic callibration. Plug 3.5mm joystick (not supplied) into the rear.
To use: Plug the USB side into your HORI Flex / XAC / PC / etc. WAIT 1 second. Play. If the joystick drifts, repeat this process.
Use the HID Remapper configuration on-line tool to connect to your HID Remapper to then build, load, edit and save profiles.
JSON Profiles here.
Alternative Celtic Magic designed case here.
The open source HID Remapper project was created by Jacek FedoryĆski. D.I.Y. help here.