£95 (plus postage)
+POA custom programming
+POA Playstation 5 version
+POA Titan Two Game Control Mixer upgrade
Accessibility switch and joystick interface for the Nintendo Switch. A PS5 version is also available, with some caveats.
Please feel free to e-mail for further information and for ordering details.
Works by default with many joysticks. These include OneSwitch and Celtic Magic USB joysticks, such as the Zik-Zak, Mini-stick, Feather, Ultrastik and CMOS range. See the XAC Accessories page for more options. These can be hot-swapped between the four USB ports:
L = Left analogue stick
R = Right analogue stick
XAC = Any stick as A+B. Also basic use of a XAC
help = gamepad
Comes supplied with co-pilot "help" gamepad, USB-C cable and On The Go cable for portable Nintendo Switch play. Joysticks and Nintendo Switch not supplied.
Switch sockets work with all 3.5mm standard accessibility switches. Options include a "walk" switch for 3D exploration games used with the right-stick for looking around.
Advanced: Custom modes and programming is possible, including latching, remapping and joystick switching. Or consider the Titan Two Game Control Mixer upgrade for far more powers.
Use the HID Remapper configuration on-line tool to connect to your HID Remapper to then build, load, edit and save profiles.
Profiles here.
The open source HID Remapper project was created by Jacek FedoryĆski. D.I.Y. help here.